Presentations with videos in Hebrew
- Are We Embedded Yet? - Implementing tiny HTTP server on a microcontroller | video | Maor Malka
- Arrow DataFusion | video | Boaz Berman
- Don't panic! - Our journey to error handling in Rust | video | Tomer Cohen
- Embedded programming using Rust | video | Leon Vak
- Enum Variants | video | Yoni Peleg
- Exploring Rust Enums | video | Yoni Peleg
- Getting started with Rust | video | Gabor Szabo
- Going Low with Rust | video | Aviram Hassan
- Idiomatic Rust | video | Dotan Nahum
- Implementing a Neural Network in Rust | video | Yoray Herzberg
- Microdosing Rust to your organization | video | Aviram Hassan
- Rewriting high performance system in Rust | video | Roei Mutay
- Rust @ Final, Doing the Math Safely | video | Rotem Yaari
- Rust Digger | video | Gabor Szabo
- Rustifying Serverless | video | Efi Merdler Kravitz
- Threads in Rust | video | Gabor Szabo
- Using xtask & xtaskops | video | Dotan Nahum
- What I learned from learning Rust | video | Gabor Szabo
Presentations with videos in English
- Accepting parameters on the command line using Rust Clap | video | Gabor Szabo
- GitHub pages for Rust developers | video | Gabor Szabo
- Reading JSON files in Rust | video | Gabor Szabo
- Rust Source Code Reading: The thousands crate | video | Gabor Szabo
- Using the Liquid template system in Rust | video | Gabor Szabo
- Web development in Rust using Rocket | video | Gabor Szabo
- Web development in Rust using Rocket - part 2 | video | Gabor Szabo
- Your first contribution to an Open Source Rust project | video | Gabor Szabo