What I learned from learning Rust (Hebrew)
Length: 30
Presented at RustTLV @ Final - September Edition on 2023.09.06
- Gabor Szabo
Gabor is a Rust, Python, and Perl teacher who also loves helping companies improve their development process by introducing Test Automation, TDD, BDD, CI and other techniques.
Gabor is the maintainer of the Rust in Israel (this), the Python in Israel, and also the Perl in Israel sites though the last one does not get a lot of attention these days.
- Author of Rust Maven
The journey of a veteran programmer from 0 to the first published Crate and beyond.
Gabor Szabo has been programming for almost 40 years and has been teaching programming for more than 20. He taught a lot of people how to use Perl and then a lot more people how to use Python. His hope is that soon he will be teaching people how to write Rust.