RustTLV @ Final - September Edition

2023.09.06 RustTLV @ Final - September Edition

Hosted and sponsored by Final


What I learned from learning Rust (Hebrew)

Length: 30 min

The journey of a veteran programmer from 0 to the first published Crate and beyond.

Gabor Szabo has been programming for almost 40 years and has been teaching programming for more than 20. He taught a lot of people how to use Perl and then a lot more people how to use Python. His hope is that soon he will be teaching people how to write Rust.


Rustifying Serverless (Hebrew)

Length: 45 min

Rust, known for its performance and security, offers significant advantages when used with AWS Lambda. This session delves into deploying Rust functions using AWS SAM and cargo-lambda, enabling streamlined development right from one's own computer. Attendees will learn strategies to expedite local builds for Lambda deployments, with a spotlight on tools like mold and sccache. Dive into how Rust can enhance Lambda functions, from developing Lambda extensions to seamlessly integrating Rust into existing Python and Node.js Lambda code without necessitating a complete overhaul. Also, gain insights on methods for reducing binary sizes using Rust.

Efi is the Head of engineering @ Cloudex, AWS Serverless Hero amd author of Learning Serverless in Hebrew.
