GitHub pages for Rust developers (English)

Length: unknown
Presented at GitHub pages for Rust developers on 2024.06.09
  • Gabor Szabo

    Gabor is a Rust, Python, and Perl teacher who also loves helping companies improve their development process by introducing Test Automation, TDD, BDD, CI and other techniques.

    Gabor is the maintainer of the Rust in Israel (this), the Python in Israel, and also the Perl in Israel sites though the last one does not get a lot of attention these days.

video in English

In this workshop you will create a web site on GitHub while using Rust. During the workshop I will provide explanation on how to setup Github pages first with plain Markdown and then using Rust. You will then have the opportunity to create your own web site and get help from me with any of the issues you encounter.

The workshop includes presentations and hands-on work.

  • Requirements: Basic familiarity with writing Rust will be enough.

  • Length: up to 3 hours.

  • notes and video