Web development in Rust using Rocket - part 2 (English)

Length: 60
Presented at Web development in Rust using Rocket - part 2 on 2024.08.06
  • Gabor Szabo

    Gabor is a Rust, Python, and Perl teacher who also loves helping companies improve their development process by introducing Test Automation, TDD, BDD, CI and other techniques.

    Gabor is the maintainer of the Rust in Israel (this), the Python in Israel, and also the Perl in Israel sites though the last one does not get a lot of attention these days.

video in English

This is the second part of the Web development with Rocket series. It is strongly recommended that you watch the first part and even play around a bit with the framework before attending this meeting.

The presentation is going to be about 1 hour long and then we open the floor for discussions about Rocket, web development and Rust in general.

  • Requirements: Basic familiarity with writing Rust will be enough.

  • notes and video