Live demo of TauiJS (English)

Length: 40
Presented at In person Rust January 2025 at Abra in Raanana on 2025.01.12
  • Dolev Dublon

    Master computer science student and a software engineer looking for a job. 2 years experience. last project at my job I focused on building a medical tool in a surgery room to visualize for the doctor Lead Implantation in the brain in real-time for Parkinson's disease.

    Stack Overflow

Create small, fast, secure, cross-platform applications with Tauri 2.0 with the front end framework by Rust Yew.

This presentation will present a demo of the Taurijs library, a tool built with Rust that competes with ElectroneJS to compile a web app into a native app for computers, phones, tablets, etc., making it easier to produce an app on one codebase.