In person Rust January 2025 at Abra in Raanana
2025.01.12 In person Rust January 2025 at Abra in Raanana
Bridging Rust and C++ with cxx (Hebrew)
Length: 30 min
Introduction to using the cxx crate for creating direct, "safe", bi-directional FFI bindings between Rust and C++.
Draft Agenda:
Rust in action: a real-life embedded project showcase (Hebrew)
Length: 30 min
Tired of the theoretical debates about Rust's supremacy? Wondering if it's truly practical for real-world applications? Join us for a 30-minute journey into Rust in embedded development, featuring a live demonstration of an embedded project in the making! Explore how Rust shines in environments involving:
- FPGA interaction
- Building with Linux BSP
- Modern communication solutions
Come see Rust's power and practicality in action!