December Edition - xtask, macros and low level features

2022.12.29 December Edition - xtask, macros and low level features

Just before the new year celebrations, Rust TLV is back at it with another event, this time hosted by Checkpoint and Spectral! We have multiple great technical talks this time, including tooling, language features and great debug stories.


Using xtask & xtaskops (Hebrew)

Length: 25 min

Dotan is the CEO and Co-Founder @ Spectral, a Check Point company focused on developer-first security.


Procedural Macros Intro + Tips (Hebrew)

Length: 0 min

Developing Procedural Macros is a significant resource in the arsenal of advanced Rust programming. I'll talk about procedural macros and share some methods and tips about how to develop them more easily.

Dan Aloni (@DanAloni) is a systems software developer who specializes in Linux kernel, storage systems, compilation, virtualization, open source software, packaging, and build systems. He is the author of the coLinux project and has contributed code to various open-source projects, including the Rust compiler and the Linux kernel. Dan is currently an independent contractor.


Going Low with Rust (Hebrew)

Length: 30 min

Technical walkthrough of implementing low level functionality using Rust - hooking Go functions, writing assembly, unsafe functions, naked functions, full-clothed functions Aviram is the CEO and Co-Founder of MetalBear, building open source tools for backend developers.
