Rust TLV - Rust Interop, Rewrites and fun

2022.07.04 Rust TLV - Rust Interop, Rewrites and fun

After a looong COVID hiatus, Rust TLV is back with three exciting talks hosted by Pinecone at WeWork's London Ministore location!

Location: London Ministore - Shaul HaMelech 4/Ibn Gabirol 30. WeWork (2nd floor), take the internal elevators up (by the Shaul HaMelech entrance).


Microdosing Rust to your organization (Hebrew)

Length: 35 min

You can start using Rust in your organization without refactoring or rewriting the whole system by leveraging extensions of widely used languages. napi for Node and PyO3 for Python.


Idiomatic Rust (Hebrew)

Length: 35 min


Rewriting high performance system in Rust (Hebrew)

Length: 25 min

How and why we abandoned Python and C++ and rewrote our database core in Rust. We’ll explore the challenges and struggles we had along the way, present the unique tools in Rust ecosystem that helped us in the process, and if time allows - will dive deep into some of the technical pitfalls and lessons we learned.
