Intro for C\C++ Developers, SGX and Cargo

2018.12.09 Intro for C\C++ Developers, SGX and Cargo


A feature-wise introduction for C/C++ programmers, part 1/3 (Hebrew)

Length: 0 min

This talk will focus on Move semantics and Pattern matching, explaining their importance and the differences from the decades-old C / C++ arena.

Dan Aloni develops software for more than 20 years. Dan is the original author of coLinux (, has worked on the Linux kernel, gained specialty in virtualization, storage systems, niche languages and operating systems. Currently, Dan is an independent consultant, and helps maintaining the Rust plugin for Vim.


SGX (Hebrew)

Length: 35 min

Intel SGX protects selected code and data from disclosure or modification. Developers can partition their application into processor-hardened enclaves or protected areas of execution in memory that increase security even on compromised platforms. The talk will focus on understanding SGX and how it can be used with the Rust-SDK that was released not so long ago.

Isan Rivkin, a software engineer part of the protocol team at Enigma. Enigma is an open-source project building a decentralized network in Rust for private computations. Isan is working on the Networking, p2p, system architecture and Hardware (SGX).


A deeper look at Cargo (Hebrew)

Length: 0 min

Cargo is arguably one of the best things about Rust. Not every new language comes with a mature build and package manager out of the box. Let's take a deeper look at this great tool and peek into some of its less known corners.

Anton Weiss is the Principal Consultant at Otomato Software. Internationally acclaimed speaker and trainer in the fields of software delivery and collaboration. Became interested in Rust for hobby projects about half a year ago.
